Harry Kelber is on vacation for two Weeks; LaborTalk and World of Labor will resume on March 26.
LaborTalk - March 10, 2012 Union Members Should Vote for Candidates Who Support a Federal Law on Worker Rights Push for a Law to Guarantee the Right to Join Unions and Bargain
Union Members Should Vote for Candidates Who Support a Federal Law on Worker Rights Push for a Law to Guarantee the Right to Join Unions and Bargain
In the 2012 presidential elections, the nation’s unions have an opportunity to remedy a gross injustice to American workers. While our society permits bankers, industrialists, lawyers, and politicians to form their own organizations for their own benefit, working people face intimidating obstacles when they try to form or join a union to improve their lives. Read this story in LaborTalk
# # # World of Labor – March 10, 2012
World of Labor – March 10, 2012
Women in Manufacturing Face Fourth Largest Pay Gap Demand Saudi Arabian King End Slavery of Domestic Workers Canadian Auto Union Donates $100,000 to Women’s Shelters Central Asian Women Encounter Hardships as Migrants to Russia Unions Press DHL to Guarantee Rights to All of Its Global Workforce Brazil’s Trucker Strike Leaves Gas Pumps Near Empty in Sao Paulo March 19, 2012 Read Column
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For 30 years, in torrid summers and freezing winters, in hurricanes, snowstorms, and sub-zero weather, this indominateable woman lives in a small patch in front of Lafayette Park on the sidewalk across from the White House. Her day-and-night anti-nuclear peace vigil is perhaps the longest continual civic-political protest in U.S. history.
Tools for Union Organizing and Political Action
# # # An Interview: Harry Kelber on the Failure of the AFL, the Decline of Unions and How to Turn It Around
An Interview: Harry Kelber on the Failure of the AFL, the Decline of Unions and How to Turn It Around
In June 2011, Corporate Crime Reporter (CCR) interviewed Labor Educator Harry Kelber. Here is a link to CCR's website and the interview.
"At one time, Harry Kelber – who just turned 97 last week – was a conservative.
"But that was in high school."
Read the full interview The site of Corporate Crime Reporter, edited by Russell Mokhiber
Revitalizing the AFL-CIO
By Ralph Nader May 23, 2011, Commondreams
When Harry Kelber, the 96 year old relentless labor advocate and editor of The Labor Educator speaks, the leadership of the AFL-CIO should listen. A vigorous champion for the rights of rank-and-file workers vis-à-vis their corporate employers and their labor union leaders, Kelber has recently completed a series of five articles titled “Reasons Why the AFL-CIO Is Broken; Let Us Start a Debate on How to Fix It.” Read the article
Video, "AFL-CIO Tops Rig 2009 Election Rules To Stop Candidate Harry Kelber From Running"
Click here or above to watch video.
'My Seventy Years in the Labor Movement'
10 Highlights of Harry Kelber's Unique Career
1. During the Great Depression, Harry led a four-month strike at a major food market in Brooklyn, N.Y, that ended with a good union contract.
2. At age 25, Harry was editor of two independent weekly labor newspapers that covered CIO organizing campaigns, as well as the activities of teamster and construction unions.
3. At age 50, Harry earned a B.A. from Brooklyn College and an M.A. and PhD. from New York University - all within 5-1/2 years.
4. In the 1962-63 printers' strike that shut down New York City's daily newspapers for 114 days, Harry was editor of the Daily Strike Bulletin.
5. As the legislative director of the Physicians Forum, Harry played a key role in winning social security for the nation's doctors.
6. In 1968, Harry created and became the first director of Cornell University's Two-Year Labor/Liberal Arts Program.
7. In recognition of his distinguished teaching career, Empire State College created the Dr. Harry Kelber Endowment in Labor Studies.
8. At age 70, Harry became the Educational and Cultural Director of Electrical Workers Local 3, I.B.E.W., a position he held for nearly six years.
9. In 1992, Harry led a week-long seminar in Moscow for 145 labor leaders of the former Soviet Union on the theme, "Democratic Unions in a Market Economy."
10. In 1995, at age 81, Harry ran for a vice president seat on the AFL-CIO Executive Council to force the first election ever, in which a rank-and-filer challenged incumbent officers.
You will be fascinated by the stories surrounding each of Kelber's accomplishments $25 per copy (includes mailing) 370 pages - 8 pages of photographs Click here to purchase 'My Seventy Years in the Labor Movement.
Click here to purchase 'My Seventy Years in the Labor Movement.
Daily News, "Spotlight on Great People: His [Harry Kelber] 70-year battle for the rights of workers," by Clem Richardson, October 10, 2008 Read the article on Harry Kelber
Harry Kelber's poetic commentary on "CEO Lust," delivered at Labor Notes conference May 2006. You can see and hear Harry reciting his poem by clicking below.You can read Harry's poem by clicking here.