Just Published!

'My 70 Years in the Labor Movement'
The Autobiography of Harry Kelber

The book contains an eye-witness account of some never-before-told labor history, from the CIO organizing campaigns and the landmark legislation that unions won in the turbulent 1930s through the 2005 conventions of the AFL-CIO and the Change to Win coalition. Kelber also analyzes what's right and what's wrong with today's labor movement--and what we can do about it.

Harry Kelber has served the labor movement for more than seven decades as a journalist, organizer, educator, pamphleteer, Internet columnist and tough fighter for union democracy and worker rights.

Harryıs book provides newcomers to the labor movement, as well as old-timers, with a wealth of information about new approaches for dealing with such major problems as organizing, political action and union democracy.

The 370-page book has 60 chapters, plus eight full pages of photos.

The price per copy is $25 (plus $3 for handling and shipping)

To Order: Send a check or money order (no credit cards) for the amount of your purchase to:

The Labor Educator
Cooper Station, P.O. Box 1002
New York, N.Y. 10276-1002


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